Adriane Nowlin LMT, Therapeutic Massage
Advanced Massage for Pain Management


"Helping you feel your best, one hour at a time".

We provide you high quality massage, and advanced therapeutic techniques intended for pain management, and creating an overall sense of well being. 


     "Life waits for no one, and it isn't always kind". Muscle tension stands at the top of the list for reasons people call in from work, and can often keep you from living your best life. Over worked and imbalanced muscular structures create dysfunction in the body leading to pain, and sometimes injury. 

     Imbalances in the body aren't exclusive to guys who skip leg day. Imbalances occur regularly due to jobs and life styles. Repetitive positioning and movements build up muscle and tension, limit range of motion, and tighten the connective tissues. While over worked and improperly used muscles tighten, others may weaken. Some of the more common complaints of muscle tension are: headaches, lower back and hip pain, and upper back/shoulder pain. However, physical stressors are not the only culprit of pain.

     The rigors of life often can leave you exhausted and stressed, leading to a physical manifestation of tension. Nearly everyone unintentionally misuses the fight or flight response. Whether worrying about a deadline, loved one, or in a rush to get somewhere, these little stresses add up to become a big problem. A chronically activated fight/ flight response leads to myriad of health issues including stubborn muscle tension and pain.


Massage is a great tool for everyone, whether you have muscular issues to be addressed or just need to relax and unwind. Through regular massage therapy (and other minor lifestyle changes), chronic and acute physical and mental aliments can be greatly reduced. I am pleased you're taking steps towards a healthier, better version of yourself, and look forward to assisting you reach your goals through massage therapy.